KB001: Backup and Restore VCSA vPostgres database 6.X

At first, we need to download  the backup and restore package from the Oficial KB (https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2091961) and copy to VCSA following the next steps.

1. Download the package from the official BK VMware website.


2. Login in to the vCSA, create a directory and copy the file by using WinSCP into the VCSA.

# mkdir /backups/


Second, execute the backup procedure.

1. Unzip the files by running this command.

# Unzip 2091961_linux_backup_respote.zip


2. Make the file backup_lin.py  executable.

# chmod 700 /backups/backup_lin.py

3. Run the following command to execute the backup.

# python backup_lin.py –f backup1_VCDB.bak


4. Copy the backup file to a safe location.


Third, execute the restore procedure.

1. Login in to the new VCSA, create a directory and copy the file by using WinSCP into the new VCSA.


# mkdir /backups/


2. Copy the file you saved into the new VCSA.


3. Unzip the files by running this command.

# Unzip 2091961_linux_backup_restore.zip


4. Make the file restore_lin.py  executable.

# chmod 700 /backups/restore_lin.py

5. Stop the following services.

For 6.7 and 6.5:

service-control –stop vmware-vpxd

service-control –stop vmware-content-library

For 6.0:

service-control –stop vmware-vpxd

service-control –stop vmware-vdcs

6. Run the following command to execute the restore.

# python restore_lin.py –f backup1_VCDB.bak

At the end of the restore you see something like this.


7. Start the VMware services.

For 6.7 and 6.5:
service-control –start vmware-vpxd
service-control –start vmware-content-library

For 6.0:
service-control –start vmware-vpxd
service-control –start vmware-vdcs


When you login into vCenter Server again, you need to reconnect the ESXi hosts.

Hoping you have enjoyed this post, see you next time.

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